New Guest Form
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New Guest Form
Salon Guidelines and Policies
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Blonding Blog
New Guest Consultation Form
Q U E S T I O N A R E - Here at Wing Studios, hair integrity and your happiness are a top priority. Please fill out the form in its entirety to help us achieve the best results.
First Name
Last Name
Select an option down below
Birthday (MM/DD)
Which stylist would you like to schedule with at Wing Studios?
How did you hear about Wing Studios? If referred, by who?
What are you looking to get done? Be as specific as needed.
What made you decide to chose us?
Are you familiar with hair extension methods? If so, which ones?
When was your last haircut/trim? What are your length goals?
Are you happy with your current hairstyle/color? Explain what you love and don't love about your hair?
What does your current haircare routine look like? (Leave-In, Heat Protectant, Deep Conditioners etc)
How often would you prefer to come in for maintanance appointments?
Example: 'I want to only come in every three-six months. '
How much time do you budget to do your hair on a daily basis?
Example: 'I spend 30-45 minutes styling my hair'
What has been your best and worst hair experience?
In the past 2 years, how many chemical services (color, Brazilian blowout, perm, highlights) Please list approximate dates and services.
What does your budget look like for the initial appointment and maintaining your luxury hairstyle?
Example: 'I would like to spend $400-$500 for the initial and $200-$300 for maintenance appointments.'
WITH ANY CHEMICAL SERVICE, THERE ARE RISKS INVOLVED. Genetics, medications, hormones and your overall health. All of the above play a roll in making up your chemical make up, including your hair. What may work for one person, may not work well for you due to the differences in how your body is build to react.
Previous Chemical Services - Professional or at Home. - Whether lightened or darkened by a box or professional, or permed or relaxed, all of these services present their own risk. Even if a color is faded, it is still present in your hair until it is cut off.
Well Water, Hard Water, and Copper Pipes - Heat Reaction. - Mineral deposits from water and pipes can build up in your hair and cause a reaction with hydrogen peroxide, bleach powder, color removers, and oxidative color. The reactions are UNPREDICTABLE and can happen after multiple times of using the same product. It is unsure how deposits are going to react, and many do not even know they have them built up in their hair. Which is why people can develop allergies later in life, we can do a Hard Water Wellness Treatment, it will also remove other built up minerals.
THERE IS NO GUARANTEE WHEN PERFORMING A CHEMICAL SERVICE. - We would not be doing our job if we did not present these risks to you ahead of time. The more we do your hair, and know the products on your hair (every stylists color line is different), the better predictions we can make as we learn and understand your hair better.
Thank you! Someone from Wing Studios will be contacting you soon.